Introduction of Nepal

Aleena Rayamahji | 2020-07-26

Referred to as the country located at the highest altitude on earth, Nepal is officially the world’s roof. The proud Himalayan country Nepal is 67 times smaller than the USA in the area. Still, when it comes to adventure and religious diversity, it is a hotpot of several sweets and savory that can make any mouth water! If you are a wanderer, but you have not visited Nepal yet, you are missing many perspectives of nature and lives.


Mount Everest (8,848 m) is the main attraction of the country that allures tourists all over the world and challenges them to see the world from its top. All sorts of crazy things for adrenaline junkies like climbing peaks, hiking, trekking, bungee jump, zipline, paragliding, etc. are possible here. Nepal is the center of natural treasures and provides a distinct way to enjoy nature.


Nepal, the birthplace of Gautam Buddha, has ten UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Millions of pilgrimages come to Nepal to visit Kapilvastu, Lumbini, where Buddha spent his childhood.


Religiously bounded country, Nepal’s capital city - Kathmandu is solely home to more than 5000 Hindu temples. Every year more than 700,000 pilgrims visit Pashupati Nath temple, which includes Sadhus and followers from Hinduism and Buddhism.


Chitwan National Park and Bardiya National Park are the homes to wild lives like Bengali tigers, crocodiles, one-horned rhino, myriad birds, and so on. You can have a fantastic experience with the wild lives by sitting on top of the elephant during sight-seeing on a jungle safari.


The cultural diversity of Nepal is unique and awe-inspiring. Every home will greet you with a wide smile. Do not be surprised if a stranger calls you home for dinner. Nepal, the Gurkhas’ homeland, has the friendliest people on earth who are famous for their friendship and bravery.


It will not be false if someone states Nepal as the gateway to heaven. Nepal started tourism before the hippie movement and has welcomed several wanderers and pilgrims seeking an ultimate escape, peace, or adventure.


The uniqueness of Nepal is undefined. It is the home of a living Goddess - Kumari, where people believe in rebirth and karma. Exploring every corner of Nepal brings a lifetime experience. The best thing about traveling Nepal is you are always under budget. It is one of the most affordable countries when it comes to visiting.


If Nepal was not on your travel list, you must note it down now!


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