Health and Safety

If you are planning to travel to Nepal for the first time, you should consider your health and safety. Nepal is quite safe to travel, but personal safety should always be considered. It would be best if you did not miss vaccinations for typhoid, hepatitis A, and meningitis.


If you are traveling to the Terai region, below 1200 m, antimalarials are a must to avoid malaria. Dusty roads and trails can cause infections, so carry enough precautions like masks, sanitizer, hat, toilet paper, wet wipes, etc.  


If you want to trek high altitude, take precautions to avoid altitude sickness. Add high carbs in your meals, carry energy bars, a lot of sunscreens, and general first aid. Do not forget to take enough water. There is no shortage of water, but to avoid waterborne disease and infections, carry water purifier.


Though the chances of robbery and theft are less, one should be attentive and know where to contact. Other problems like a landslide, soil erosion, confusing routes, chased by local animals like Yaks and Horses, avalanche, etc. can take place on your trails to mountains and jungles. It would be best if you were attentive about these or instead take a guide along with you.


Do not buy Hashish from any seller as it is illegal in Nepal, and you can be in serious trouble if Police find you with it. Some Nepalese communities might find revealing clothes offensive, so avoiding such clothing in villages and abandoned places is better. Even prostitution is illegal in Nepal, so better not get into any prostitutes.


Healthcare facilities in Nepal are cheap and readily available. Common health issues while traveling include pneumonia, diarrhea, and food poisoning. Always wear a mask and avoid extreme local street foods for avoiding significant health-related problems in Nepal. You should be extra safe while traveling in Kathmandu as it is polluted and crowded.


Overall, Nepal is safe for tourists on every trail. There are plenty of solo travelers too. But to stay at the safe side, take a guide along with you.

Some emergency phone numbers that you can note down are listed below:


  Police (emergency)
  Emergency Police   +977-1-4228435
  Crime Information   +977-1-4412748
  Tourist Police: (Bhirkuti Mandap)   +977-1-4226359 / 4226403
  Missing Child    104 
  Fire    101
  Ambulance (Bishal Bazaar)    +977-1-4244121
  Ambulance (Nepal Chamber)    +977-1-4230213 / 4222890
  Ambulance (Paropakar)    +977-1-4251614 / 4260869
  Ambulance (Red Cross)    +977-1-4228094