Tips to travel Nepal

Nepal, for tourists, is safe and sound. It has impressive facilities that are meant for tourists only. Despite being safe and having the least risks, you need to keep a few things in mind. Walk Through Himalayas would like to provide you some tips while you travel to Nepal to make your travel and stay fruitful. Following are some tips for international tourists:


  • Make reservations and bookings beforehand, reaching the place to avoid accommodations and entrance problems, especially between October to December, when the areas are flooded with tourists.
  • Take a tourist guide along with you to deal with all sorts of issues that you can encounter on your trip.
  • Keep phone numbers of all the emergency stations and call the correspondence immediately in case of any troubles you face.
  • Try to avoid street foods that seem unhygienic to prevent food poisoning.
  • Carry a water bottle with enough water during trails and water purifiers too.
  • Carry enough changed NPR currency to avoid troubles with change while shopping.
  • As most people in local shops and hotels do not understand English, learn essential Nepali words if you do not have a Nepali guide.
  • Do not buy Hashish from any drug-sellers as it is illegal in Nepal.
  • Carry medicines for diarrhea and take precautions for altitude sickness and malaria.
  • Please do not fall into the hands of prostitutes as it is illegal in Nepal.
  • Hire porters in case you need help with carrying your luggage, especially while trekking.
  • Try to avoid revealing clothes, especially in villages and abandoned areas.
  • Please do not touch or call someone by patting their shoulders or make any touch as Nepalese women can panic in case of such behaviors.
  • Learn essential words like ‘Didi’ or ‘Bahini’, which means sister, ‘Dai’, or ‘Bhai’, which means brother, namaste (greeting), etc. to initiate conversation if they do not understand English.
  • It would be best if you always tried for a discount on lodges and during shopping.
  • Do not provide any food items to local kids.
  • Be attentive while trekking, to avoid dangers like soil erosion, landslide, avalanche, chasing animals, robbers, etc.
  • In case of solo travel, do enough research about the trail and make short treks every day.
  • While sight-seeing in jungles, be extra attentive, and it is recommended to take guides along with you.
  • Do not trust every shop easily while buying trekking gear, take a guide, and distinguish the right products.