Dhola Village Tour (Dhading District)

Dhola, a small village lying on the lap of Annapurna and Manaslu Mountain ranges, at an altitude of 1,210 m above the sea level, is a part of the Dhading district of Bagmati Province. Located 100 km northwest of the capital – Kathmandu, the village was mainly targeted as a site for researchers, students, photographers, anthropologists, etc. but today it is occupied with tourists and nature lovers.


Dhola village provides local home service to visitors, which means you can share the villager's house for a specific price. The homeowner will offer you a complete traditional meal, and you will feel like a villager yourself during your stay. Houses are small and different from those of cities. Locals involve themselves with everyday activities like agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing, etc. Their livelihood is unique.


The best part of this village is the journey to reach there. The trail above 1,500 m is full of natural beauty like diverse types of animals, birds, butterflies, and flora. Rhododendrons cover the maximum parts of the region, and you will come across several streams and waterfalls. There is a nature camp on the way, introduced recently to trekkers. The trail is popular among mountain bikers, hikers, trekkers, birdwatchers, and escape-seekers.


The highlights of the trip are unspoiled trail, pristine views of Mount Annapurna and Mount Manaslu, heaven for wildlife enthusiasts, opportunity to meet and learn cultures of people from different ethnic backgrounds like Newar, Brahmin, Magar, Kami, and Damai.

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