Ghode Jatra

Ghode Jatra is one of the parades in Nepal which takes place at Tundikhel, Kathmandu. Ghode means horse, and by the name, it is quite clear, the parade includes a lot of horses. The event is all about a horse race that occurs in the mid of March or early April.


The myth behind the celebration on this day is the victory of people over a demon named Tundi. Tundi had terrorized people but one day he was slain and from then, people have been celebrating it by riding horses over his body. People believe that the clamor of the hooves of the horses racing at Tundikhel on this event keeps the spirits of demons at bay which is still a threat to the city.


The horse race terrifies the Tundi and the faster the horses run, the spirit of Tundi will be subdued and that’s why the event is full of acrobatics along with horse race. It is an event where army top brass and top government officials and diplomats join.


Though the locals are not allowed to go inside Tudikhel, the large mass of people gather around it. The army displays their skills as paratroopers drop down from planes flying over the place.


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