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Mt Kanjirowa Himal Expedition

Mount Kanjiroba Himal, lying at an elevation of 6,883 m from sea level, is the most beautiful mountain and a gem of the Dolpa Region in Karnali Province of Nepal. Having unexplored and virgin trails, Mt. Kanjiroba is a stunning peak worth all the challenges that come on the trek.


The journey begins from Juphal, and through Jopala Khola, the final destination is Kanjiroba Base Camp. Exploring the alluring Dolpo, the trekkers will experience a high degree of alpine and wilderness. It has been a newly explored and challenging trail for trekkers, so conquering the peak has become an attractive trend.


The trekkers shall come across sub-tropical forests, deep alpine forests, and then to the treeless zone after ascending a certain height. With numerous villages on the trail, the trekkers witness the authentic cultures of local communities, which are religiously diverse. The path is full of unique landscapes, wildlife, flora, fauna, waterfalls, villages, and passes.


If you are in Kathmandu, you can take a flight to Nepalgunj, and another to Juphal. The trek begins from Juphal. The numerous buses are also running every day from Kathmandu to Nepalgunj. Depending upon the places you want to add on this expedition, the trip can be as long as 42 days.